Friday 30 March 2007

No 2 Redundancy

Something of a milestone day today. I was made redundant, or to make it more accurate perhaps, my job was made redundant and I was officially given a 'Fond Farewell' by my employer.

Why is it that when a job is made redundant it is always couched in such mealy mouthed terms so that the person losing their job is made to feel that it is not them, as a person, who is facing the chop, but the position? More and more throughout my working life I have seen the common sense and human attitude to life and other people disappear. Now the young, over educated and rather nasty types have taken over in the work place. An over generalisation I know, but that's how I have become since working for my last employer, as they seemed to have more then their fair share of gobshites working for them,

However, I am not going to do a Victor Meldrew on you. "Stuff them all", is what I say. The last words which my 'manger' said to me as she wished me goodbye, was to say, "Well, end of an era, isn't it?" I said, "No, It's the start of a new one".

And it is. I am only 60 years old, and have no intention of kicking the bucket just yet. I might, however, just become a Grumpy of Fart, and start sounding off on here about all and sundry. But I doubt it. Not really in my nature....


Anonymous said...

Hi David,

I think you're at the start of a new era. Sounds like you had really bad employers; I once had employers like yours but I left and then I recovered from the experience. I have a little verse I think you might find helpful:

It's all in the state of the mind.
If you think you are beaten, you are.
If you think you dare not, you don't.
If you like to win but you think you can't, it's almost sure you won't.
If you think you'll lose, you've lost.
For out in the world you find success begins with a fellow's will. It's all in the State of the Mind.

Good luck with your new life.

David Catherall said...

Thanks for this. I will bear it in mind in the future.