Saturday 21 April 2007

7 Rabbits

So, the almost dead rabbit was taken into the house in the middle of a late January Sunday afternoon and after a bit of cajoling decided that it would eat something. Carrots in fact, well everyone knows that Bugs Bunny thrives and exists only on carrots. And this one certainly seemed to thrive. They went down in no time flat.

And then came out the other end in a very round sticky mess, all over the stone kitchen floor. Along with the most foul smelling yellowish liquid which I correctly guessed was urine.

It was about that time I telephoned an expert, my daughter, who managed somehow to suppress her laughter long enough to tell me that rabbits 'poo' was guaranteed to be sticky if all it had was carrot. Thanks a lot! So, taking bits of her other advice we borrowed a hutch from a friend who had had a rabbit for a pet in the past and the rabbit (who responded to the name of "Rabbit" ) settled down for the night.

Over the following weeks we placed notices in the house windows and enquired of neighbours about the identity of our house guest. No one came near to claim him (we found out later that it was a "him") and then one day in February a friend suggested that he had been dumped by someone who had given it as a gift at Christmas. So, because of this and the fact that he continues to 'dump' all over the kitchen floor - where he has free reign during the day - he has become known as Dumper.

As the weeks wore on Dumper proved to have quite a character of his own, and the biggest pair of gonads seen outside a male human. We took him for a visit to the vets to have him neutered one day. This meant an overnight stay for the operation to be carried out under anaesthetic, and the following day we collected him from the surgery, somewhat subdued and feeling a bit sorry for himself.

But, I am jumping ahead of myself a bit as there is more to this story than this.

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