Friday 27 February 2015

Done - But Not Yet Dusted

Well, it's taken a hell of a long time, but at last the long awaited book is finished.  That is to say that the writing is done, and I have proof read it and added  bits here and there to make it sound like English, so now comes the hard bit, so they say.

The writing of the book has taken just about a year, I think, if my memory is still serving me correctly.  I started last year, and now that this year is here (and apparently to stay) - well, yes, it's been about a year in the writing.  

One of the amazing things about it is the number of absolute rubbish things I wrote in it in the first place.  I discovered early on that some of the things I had written have apparently come straight out of my head and onto the page with any intervening process.  Which has meant that some of the actual sentences I wrote do not make any sense at all.  Bit like this blog I suppose.

I know how it happened though. I had a thought and started to write it down in as quick a fashion as I could, then half way through the writing of the sentence another thought would come bounding into the old brain, and I would start to write that sentence down.  The nett result is that some of the words in a sentence do not appear to have any logic in their positioning in the sentence.  Anyway, it's now corrected and I have sent it to a really nice man who said he would do a grammar check on it.  

Chris (the man doing the proof reading) is a published writer himself and in his own words, a "Grammar Nazi" which is great for me, as I do need someone with that level of knowledge and understanding to take a knife to the whole thing.

I just hope he doesn't get too cheesed off with the process he will be undertaking, as I want an opinion of what the book reads like as well as how badly written it is.  I shall have to be careful though.  He comes from Yorkshire, and they can be a bit funny like that.

I could very well hear something I am not really wishing to here, but that's one of the joys of writing I suppose.  Time will tell, I hope....

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