Thursday 18 September 2014


Sunday 20th March 2011

Never thought this would happen, but here I am homeless.
It happened last week when Yvonne phoned me whilst I was in a meeting at Preston. (10th March)  Told me she had had enough and that my clothes were packed and in one of her empty houses across from where I had been living.

By 8pm that night I was settling into a room in a hostel for the homeless and feeling more like death than ever before in my life.

It hasn't been much better since then other than the massive amount of support and sympathy I have had from friends, family and colleagues.  How she could make me homeless eight weeks before I am due to start cancer treatment is beyond belief.  Such a level of cruelty and selfishness is hard to comprehend.  And now she is trying again to control what I do and who I tell about my situation.

She is trying hard to paint a picture to all and sundry that my drinking has lead to mental instability (well she should know as she is a practising psychologist), and that life was intolerable with me.  

The truth is a bit more prosaic.  She became bored with our normal life and is intent on seeking the thrills of a younger newer relationship.  She has always been this way and will end up a lonely old woman with no friends.  She has few at the moment due to her behaviour over the years.  Even her longest standing friend has refused to comment on a long complaint she sent to her about me.

Neglects to tell the whole story that she decided of her own accord that our relationship was over, just happened to coincide with the onset of a semi romantic liaison with a new man in her life.  He is 16 years younger than her and together they have made my life a misery for the past year with their sniggering, staying at his house until 2am, going off for days out together.  Sharing dirty jokes, blue movies generally behaving like 14 year olds.  In truth that is his mentality.  She cannot seem to understand that her behaviour has in large part contributed to my feelings of anger and despair.

She has only wanted me around this past few months for the sake of her new business she is starting.  Well now she has blown it.
The crunch came when I sent her details of some of the rather sick web sites she and the man-child had been trawling through during the time they were working together on a legal paper they were concocting.  She blew!  I am homeless.

What part of "I love you" includes "but your clothes are now across the road and you are homeless eight weeks before you are due to start your cancer treatment?"

Difficult to know really.

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